What’s Up With Photography?
So it seems everything has to be AI these days.
If you’re not AI, you’re not on the leading edge, you’re falling behind!
In the big bad world of commerce, AI is seen as both a huge opportunity (getting many tasks done very quickly and potentially very well!) and also a huge threat (how many jobs will be lost? and how many will be replaced somehow?). And in the world of photography …?
Well in photography the same two sides to the argument can apply. AI can play a huge part in helping to “create” an image of technically good quality (not to be confused with a good quality image!) and this is being done both at the time of capture (think of amazing smartphone photos) as well as in post processing.
With AI, cameras can now use technology to create stunningly clear, well exposed and vibrant photos in almost any situation. Even dramatic high dynamic range scenes are a piece of cake for AI. No need to learn, just point and click.
With AI, in post processing it is now possible to manipulate our photos in almost any way we like. From big “changes” such as removing any type of distraction, changing the background, adding computer generated elements, all of this is now surprisingly easy. And then there are the more subtle changes, such as eliminating “noise”, sharpening an image, etc. So much more is possible today with AI.
So what do we think about all this? Good or bad?
The big question is what are we supposed to think about a photograph today? Should we consider it a true capture of a historical moment in time? Or is it now simply an artistic image, whether true or not, that is simply there to be shared with and enjoyed by whoever chooses to do so?
What do you think of when you think about smartphone photography? Impactful instagram images to share with the world? Exciting memories of life’s adventures? To me all of this is great, and yes it is amazing how a phone can generate such a good image. Technology plays a huge part, and why not? This is all about fun. Let’s use AI to make the images as appealing as possible. Seems good to me.
But then there is the professional photographer, or even the hobbyist photographer interested in the traditional art form of photography. How should we view this area of photography when AI can pretty much copy and regenerate any of the classic images from the greatest professional photographers. For example, why bother to go to all the trouble (and invest all the time) to capture a unique image when you can simply sit in the warmth of home and ask AI to generate the image for you?!
I don’t think the answer is so simple, and let’s not fall into the trap of pretending there is something that might be called “pure” photography devoid of all technical manipulation. I don’t believe that has ever existed … the point is how much technical manipulation is “acceptable”. With AI the possibilities have just exploded. Can we find somewhere to draw the line?
There are certain forms of photography, such as “documentary” photography, where I believe it is in everyone’s interest to retain a level of integrity (a responsibility as much on the publisher as the photographer). And then there are photography competitions and awards … and they are all now setting out their respective “rules” for what is or is not acceptable in terms of technological manipulation. If you want to take part … just stick to the rules.
And there is the huge area of artistic photography that doesn’t necessarily fit within a “controlled” environment. Not so obvious here.
The good news is that as I mentioned before, an image of technically good quality, does not make a good quality image. However AI can have the ability to produce both!
We’ll have to see how this all plays out.
For me, I just love the process of photography. My favourite images are my landscape images captured early in the morning during sunrise on the Costa Brava coast. The pleasure of arriving in the dark, walking to the location, and being there as the sky changes colours and the sun finally appears above the horizon (or behind the clouds!). Looking for a compelling composition, applying the technical knowledge I have to control how the camera captures the image. And then enjoying the post processing where the image reveals itself on the computer screen and we have the chance to tweak the image to match our vision of the scene as we remember it. For me, that whole process is the enjoyment of photography.
Is AI involved? … oh for sure it is. I will use AI to help clean up a “noisy” image, and I will use AI to help me remove small distractions such as bouys from the sea. But I guess I have determined my own limits. I don’t explore the many possibilities of “generative AI”, and I have never been convinced by the options to replace a fundamental part of the image … for example swap out a boring sky! (no you have to go back again and again until the weather rewards you with the real thing!)
The bottom line … photography is in an interesting moment. I encourage everyone to enjoy the amazing things that can now be achieved. Be creative and crazy and enjoy it! But don’t be a fraud. Be honest. And don’t judge! There is room for all views.